Sunday, December 20, 2009

Novian Elites

Nova will be participating in official Counter Strike matches and therefore a team of LAN players and a team of Online players will be classified as below.

Alpha Squad ( LAN ) :
`~Nova[LG] .:Seppy:.
`~Nova[LG] .:ciBo:.
`~Nova[LG] .:IlluminaTi:.
`~Nova[LG] .:

Bravo Squad ( Online ) :
`~Nova[LG] .:Seppy:.
`~Nova[LG] .:IlluminaTi:.
`~Nova[LG] .:WSN / A|C-47:.
`~Nova[LG] .:Rinoz:.

If anybody from any clan or a public player wants to have a clan match or mix match just contact actcute. He'll settle the map, details and whatever needs to be done.

Friday, December 11, 2009


For the latest updates on clan matches please refer to the older post section of the title labeled Battle Reports. A nice game in the afternoon. Thanks guys.

Latest price for Steel Series mice, keyboard and headset. The retail outfit is at SS15. I chose this retail's price due to the suitable location.

Mice :
** NEW ** SteelSeries Xai Laser Gaming Mouse : RM 359 - Ready Stocks
SteelSeries Ikari Optical Gaming Mouse : RM 199 - Ready Stocks 

Mouse Pad : 
** NEW ** SteelSeries 9HD Hard-Surfaced Gaming Mousepad : RM 199 - Ready Stocks

Keyboard :
SteelSeries 7G GAMING KEYBOARD : RM 550

Headset : 
SteelSeries 5Hv2 : RM 345 - Ready Stocks
SteelSeries 5Hv2 USB : RM 405 - Ready Stocks

Stocks are brand new with casing. Will update on price change. And by the way, JoJo's latest song keep forgetting rocks! You may listen to it at my dog. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nova Command

Clan Emperor : `~Nova[LG] .:Septimus:.
Description : The clan lord of Nova. His second-in-command is Actcute.

Clan Praetor : `~Nova[LG]
Description : Considered a top notch player and the highest ranking organiser in Nova. He is appointed as commander-in-chief in all war tactics. Main weaponry on the field is the AWP. A deadly thunder bolt that has been granted to a person who fully utilizes the weapon. He is versatile in any weaponry and situation capable of bringing down the opponent under any circumstances.

Clan Adjudicator : `~Nova[LG] .:A|C -47:.
Description : A highly skillfull member and an organiser that is in charge of internal affairs in Nova. Skills and specialities are of great precision. A planned member who pursues the main bulk of the opponent and bringing them down before reinforcements arrive. The only Praetorian to enter the ranks of the Nova Command.

Clan Magistrate : `~Nova[LG] .:ciBo:.
Description : An examiner of Nova. Definitely a friendly player no doubt. Provides supporting fire to any member be it AWP or rifle expertise.

Clan Executor : `~Nova[LG] .:IlluminaTi:.
Description : The ranking captain of  Nova. He is a recon member that scouts up ahead and takes out primary subjects with a few hits of his own. A headstrong player and has a great aim with any rifle.


We have an upcoming match against [wZ] clan. They experienced a newer revolution during their time as ReV and now come back in force. So please note that all the members of [wZ] are still the same members of ReV except for those few that have joined in the later period of ReV. Another clan would be -[TfC] would are now famed for their first clan match victory against Cq. So everyone should pay heed to who their coming up against with. The match against -[TfC] would be next week and they are also on standby to recieve word from Brayant whne we might want it. Last but not least, the friendly against shencez. Yea, we've been all wanting challenge him so here's the time. And remember it's even harder because he's going to be on LAN too. Lag has no boundaries for us here.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Peace and Tranquility

I have decided to remove the previous post due to our peace with ReV clan and upon the compliance of their clan lord. We have come to a certain understanding and all prior rudeness or whatsoever is cleared. I have asked for a clan match, not a rematch because their clan lord has asked for a make over between Nova and ReV and with all due respect I have asked for a clan match as a sign of peace treaty. And besides I think it was not fair for them during the previous match that they were not ready and unfamiliar to the rules of engagement of a clan match. According to their latest update, their clan lord has managed to recruit a few pros and therefore he is confident in taking my challenge. Your knowledge of a clan match has now been adequate and my organizer will have no sorts of problems from ReV if we are to have a peaceful match. As I assured you Washinub has not been the one spamming your chatbox and please do not direct anything that is negative to Nova.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Return Of The Lord

The reign of power of Nova's hierarchy has been given back to me. Actcute has assumed control of Nova for the pass few weeks and has finally decided to strip himself of such power due to the burden of maintaining peace and order in the clan. And to Ace, I have already tested you out and so has Actcute. No hard feelings but we are now closed. You should be considered lucky we even decided to test you, there was nothing to be sad about. Train harder and maybe in the future we might accept. Your age at the moment is not very suitable and the majority of my members have come to a unanimous decision. Good luck in the future.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Temporary Change In Power

Due to my ongoing and busy life, I have decided without hesitation to transcend temporary shift of power and leadership of Nova to my trusted second-in-command Actcute. He will assume the role of steward and therefore all judgements and call will be made by him. The responsibility of the team and Nova now lies in his hands. All clan matches will now be dealt by him and so is the team chosen to play. Whatever matter please regard to him.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rules of In-Game Match

Competition Method : 5 vs 5
Rounds : 30 Rounds ( Max rounds format ) 15 rounds as CT and 15 rounds as T per team. The first team that scores 16 wins and the match ends immediately.
Round Time : 1 Minute 45 Seconds
Sides : CT or T will be determined by 1 round of knife match.
Victory Conditions : The first team to score 16 rounds.
Tie-Breaker Victory Condition : 6 additional rounds will be played. 3 rounds as CT and 3 rounds as T. The first to team to score 4 rounds wins. Tie-breaker start money is 16000.
Official Maps : de_dust2, de_inferno, de_train, de_nuke
Host Settings : mp_autokick 0, mp_autoteambalance 0, mp_autocrosshair 0, mp_buytime 0.25, mp_consistency 1, mp_c4timer 35, mp_fadetoblack 0, mp_flashlight 1, mp_footsteps 1, mp_forcecamera 2, mp_forcechasecam 2, mp_freezetime 15, mp_friendlyfire 1, mp_limitteams 10, mp_maxrounds 15, mp_playerid 1, mp_roundtime 1.75, mp_timelimit 0, mp_tkpunish 0, sv_aim 0, sv_airaccelerate 10, sv_alltalk 0, sv_cheats 0, sv_voiceenable 1, sv_stepsize 18.
Contraband Items : The tactical shield is not to be used. If one is accidentally purchased, it is to be dropped in a corner of the CT spawn area and may not be used for the remainder of that round. Use of shield in a regular play will result in a win of that round to the opposing team not possessing that shield.
In-Game Technique : C4 must be planted at a viewable location. Planting the C4 at location where a boost is required is allowed. Silent planting is prohibited. If the bomb is planted in such a way that it is obscured from view from all angles such as planting to have the bomb hidden entirely or in part by a crate, allowing it to clip into a wall or corner of the wall and so forth, CT will win the round automatically even if the bomb explodes. A bug play such as flashbang bug and so forth will cause the opposition team to win the round automatically. Players using any flashlight sound exploited 3 times will also cause the opposition team to win the round automatically.
Reference : Please refer to the Rules of Engagement for a further inquiry.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

End Year Exams & Activities

Well, it's nearing to the end of the year and my exams are on for 11 days. Nova won't be playing for awhile so wish us luck. 8 more days to go and the hardest part hasn't come yet.
My end year exam is almost coming to an end. It was suppose to finish today but now we got to drag it all the way till Monday. Anyway it's still enjoyment and holiday for me.
Not many things going on around in school so Nova might be taking a few days off to practice on our game. Anyone who is interested in having a game with Nova please do so kindly by contacting our two known organizers : Actcute & Washinub and no one else.
After our little excursion with [PAX], we are willing to challenge those only who possess the right attitude to play with and none other.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Actcute Vs Actnoob

Feel free to comment. [PureAIMx] is a clan that lied to us. Asking us for clan war was their "actnoob" known as [PureAIMx] Hunt. This guy is a bluff and they had no GAMEMANSHIP. They started their match without notifying us and counted the score without telling us also. [PureAIMx] B|ood accused us of having a hacker. These were the accusations they threw at the real actnoob :

[4:45:33 PM] - [PureAIMx] B|ood : Nice hacker u got there asshole nova

[4:48:00 PM] - [PureAIMx]cyclonez. : tell actnoob

[4:48:10 PM] - [PureAIMx]cyclonez. : match 1 on 1

The match in de_dust2 was a fluke and not counted.
The match in de_inferno was a fluke and not counted.
Go check their blog please

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fragged! - de_inferno - de_dust2

These are the videos of the friendly match that we had during the holidays. Take note that Nova was team -Happy- while Josh's team was EmO. We got fragged so for those anti Nova fans please watch these videos to your heart's content. And thanks to Peter a.k.a Shencez for editing the video for us. :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Of late, actcute our organizer has been acting like a DICK when he host's his game in Garena named XmX. He sincerely apologizes for his rough attitude to the public and has insisted I post up an apology for him. This could be due to build up annoyance by public players when they call him a hacker. Now, this is a serious word to throw around like that. Even a few pros have been known to call him a hacker and therefore I propose that they are DICKS too. So without further a due, he is not a hacker and spends most of his time as an onliner. He hopes to be a LAN player. And noobster, whatever he sweared or promised to you that he was not a hacker, I suggest you take his word for it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


My school was on the brink of chaos on Wednesday when a teacher of my school passed away due to severe lung failure as well as kidney failure. Her symptoms were 90% similar to the H1N1 virus. School was abruptly dismiss early without any warning and yet the Health Department was late in informing anything the public. For us it was saddening but we all get to go back early despite it was only 10 a.m. The staff room was complete havoc and even my ex-principal showed up to assume temporary power and bring order whilst standing with the new principal who in admist all this unfortunate mess seeing that is was only her 3rd day being the new principal of the school. Parents were also panicky making the situation definitely worse immediately drove to school to fetch their children. The teacher had her treatment delayed due to the fact that the clinic she went to three times had told her she was fine did not refer her to any General Hospital and just gave her medicine without any trace of tamiflu. Only when her condition worsen she was admited to the ICU ward at SJMC and later transfered to HKL. Despite all these, we would like to say thank you even thought you only taught us for a couple of months and send my regards to thee.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

C.S 1.6 Amateur Cup 2

Argh! Can't go for this year's competition because of tuition. Kinda felt that I let my team down. Well, planning to join when I'm 18 then I'll definitely be free from tuition. Now we just have to train harder and see where it will lead us when we turn 18. The competition will be held this coming Friday at 2 p.m in One Utama. First place will get RM1000 + 5 SteelSeries Ikari Optical. Prizes are really worth it and good. For more info check it out at the Lowyat Forum.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Rock Cafe Video

Guys, I finally got the HLTV video from Josh. I don't really know how to post it up so it'll take some time. Best frag according to Josh. To viewers, these video was a friendly yet unfriendly match we requested for. It was considered new generation against old generation and these players have quit the Garena community and move on to Steam for a long time. It was not easy for us and these players are definitely of a higher standard.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Songs and Updates

This |=GOF=| supposed rematch is starting to bore me. Lazy to keep waiting indefinitely and our tests are coming soon so its gotta to be postponed again till further notice.
Anyway I uploaded new songs to my mixpod, one of them is No Boundaries and I uploaded the Adam Lambert version cause I know he can sing better. And besides I'm a fan of his so sorry for those Kris Allen fans. Adam Lambert should have friggin won that Idol but because he's gay he lost.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Great day it was today. Had our interclass frisbee competition and we got 2nd. We went up against actcute's class during the quarter-finals and got 3-1. We won and got through to the semi-finals. Lost to Pentium once again. But it's alright, overall the NERDS still rule in studies and sports. :p

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Awesome day at school today. Had interclass basketball competition and my class the NERDS got into the semi-finals. We got 3rd best. Lost to class Pentium though during the semi-final but overall it was challenging. So got to work hard for next week's frisbee competition. Going up against actcute's class Browser. So wish us luck. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rematch with |=GOF=|

Seems like a member from |=GOF=|, named absolute has been asking my members for a rematch. He seemed quite persistent and after consulting with my members we have decided to entertain their request. I have no idea behind his sudden burst of enthusiam with clan matching with us. Maybe they have improved tremendously and have always been wanting to defeat us or maybe its the doom of Nova and its apocolyptic end.
Whatever it is, good luck and have fun.

Not Hacking

Lately actcute has been accuse of hacking during an online game. Please do note that he has been training hard and is quite good in using the AWP (sniper rifle). He does not hack for he doesn't even have the program. So for those newbies, please don't join his game. You aren't qualified enough so I suggest shut your mouth next time when you think of entering his room named XmX.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Today, I had a fun time at FTZ with me friends including CiBo and actcute. Awesome day. Had lots of fun and it was an experience playing LAN also. The feeling is way different than playing online and I rather prefer going to FTZ then playing online at home.
Actcute was completely off, can't really use the term feed but on the other hand Cibo's performance seem to be improving a lot. Kudos to Cibo.
Well, hope I can go out more and play LAN to get use to the feeling.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


David Sides playing Halo by Beyonce is just awesome. He is just damn good. Talented genius.
For those who are interested or love the instrument piano please hear Halo being played by David Sides in my MixPod.

Actcute Is Back

He's finally gotten his laptop reformatted after so long. Apparently the joker haven't even lost his touch. He's been practicing at FTZ with the likes of the Underdog. C.S 1.6 Amatuer Cup players.

Anyway, this Saturday will be my school's open day. And Transformers 2 Revenge of The Fallen is premiering today. It's gonna be so packed. Damn. Well, hope to catch it this Saturday night.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Friendly Match

Well, today was the day my friends and I had a friendly match of C.S 1.6 at Rock Cafe. We were up against Josh's Mix Team and it was a great experience even though we lost both matches. Nonetheless my friends and I had a great time at Rock.

I would like to thank Josh and his friends for coming and playing with us. Playing with experienced and older players is quite challenging and fun. One of my friends refer to it as a once in a life time chance to be playing at a cafe with pro players and I think what he say is true.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Well, we were suppose to play against Josh's mix team but it was canceled. It has been postpone to next week on either Wednesday or Thursday and we will be playing at Rock Cafe. So we ended up watching Star Trek. Spock was cool even though he look kind of weird. I mean imagine Sylar as Spock O.O

So I'll update the latest reports on foreign affairs regarding Nova.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Nova members vanished?

Well, not really. Actcute's laptop seem to have spoiled and is in the midst of repair. So at the moment we won't really be active. Only a few of us.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Mid Term Is Over

Well, today was the last day of our mid term evaluation. Nova members will be back online.

Of course all of us would be very rusty after neglecting CS for 2 weeks.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Challenge Up Ahead

Soon we'll be challenging against two well known clans which are |-FoF and .mNm.

A challenge necessary to push us forward and test ourselves to the limit. Wish us luck cause it won't be easy going against Shen and Ryan. We have deemed this as a friendly match and not a egoistic match to boost Nova's name through the ranks.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mid Term Evaluation

Well, our mid term test is coming soon. A week from now our tests will be held. For those sitting test this Friday good luck for your Chinese and Islam.

For those the nest week, good luck to you guys too. A few more days and its show time. Most Nova members will not be online for the time being.

Thank You.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Nova Legionnaires there will be a gathering/meeting this Friday. You should be free as it is Labour Day. I hope that you all will be there so that we may discuss the team placements for the soon-to-be match with [LOTHAR].

For member Nova . Evon[won], you will be examined closely and thoroughly if my examiners are available. Your skills are vital if you are to be fully accepted into Nova and it has also been your wish to be tested to the limits.

Others are welcome into the gathering if they seek to join Nova. But only those close to us will be chosen as we prioritise to immediate members rather than to foreigners.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rematch with [LOTHAR]

I'm speechless. My clanmates want to have a rematch with [LOTHAR] due to substantial reasons. I don't know why but [LOTHAR] E v A just likes to insult us.

For more information. Don't worry. Call.Me.Imba will be calling you Gideon. But I do think that you should live up to your external relations act since you posted it up and make it sound so important.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rules Of Engagement

I have set up the following rules during any clan matches due to a mistake I learn form my naivety. Rules I set here should be basic and therefore have agreement on both counterparts.

-All times and dates set by Nova cannot be confirmed immediately due to members who have their own private schedules to attend to.

-Times and dates set by other clans also cannot be confirmed by us so I hope clans can be on standby mode.

-Any game hosted by Nova or other clans have to be lag free or else the match will immediately be suspended and not taken into account and therefore have to be postpone until hosts regains smoothness in their connection.

-Spamming, swearing, flaming ( insulting ) or even cursing are prohibited during a match. Such uncouth act will be dealt with in the game. But the final decisions lies with the squad leader. And please refrain from chatting to all unless needed to.

-Two sets/matches of rounds will be conducted. One hosted by Nova the other hosted by the opposition in order to be fair to both sides. The team then have to decide whether to choose being Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist by having one round of knife fight. After choosing, the team to reach the score of 16 wins the first set/match. Then both teams will have to switch sides and the team that reaches 16 first will win the second set/match. Scores will then be added up depending on how many rounds you won during both sets/matches.

So far this are the rules of engagement for Nova. I suggest that any clan that wishes to challenge us should think about the rules. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Challenge To All

Clan Nova will particiapte in all clan wars due to a sudden burst in energy and all games will be hosted by Nova.

Please inform actcute and refer to him for more information.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Battle Reports

Battle Report 1
Clan - Nova vs |=GOF=|
Date - 22.3.2009
Time - 20:30
Map - de_dust2
Host - |=GOF=|
Score - Nova - 20 ; |=GOF=| - 7
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 2
Clan - Nova vs -|ULD|-
Date - 29.3.2009
Time - 14:00
Map - de_dust2
Host - Nova
Score - Nova - 30 ; -|ULD|- - 14
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 3
Clan - Nova vs |=GOF=|
Date - 11.4.2009
Time - 16:15
Map - de_dust2
Host - |=GOF=|
Score - Nova - 18 ; |=GOF=| - 12
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 4
Clan - Nova vs [LOTHAR]
Date - 11.4.2009
Time - 22:00
Map - de_dust2
Host - [LOTHAR]
Score - Nova - 12 ; [LOTHAR] - 13
Status - Defeat

Battle Report 5
Clan - Nova vs Josh's Mix Team
Date - 10.6.2009
Host - HLTV

Teams - -HappY- vs EmO
Time - 15:00
Map - de_inferno
Score - -HappY- - 6 ; EmO - 16

Teams - -Happy- vs EmO
Time - 16:15
Map - de_dust2
Score - -HappY- - 8 ; EmO - 16

Overall status - Defeat

Battle Report 6
Clan - Nova vs ReV
Date - 17.11.2009
Time - 22:00
Map - de_dust2
Host - XmX HLDS
Score - Nova - 16 ; ReV - 0
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 7
Clan - Nova vs [TfC]
Date - 15.12.2009
Time - 15:30
Map - de_dust2
Host - XmX HLDS
Score - Nova - 16 ; [TfC] - 7
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 8
Clan - Nova vs [TfC]
Date - 30.12.2009
Time - 16:00
Map - de_inferno
Host - XmX HLDS
Score - Nova - 16 ; [TfC] - 1
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 9
Clan - Nova vs [TfC]
Date - 3.01.2010
Time - 16:00
Map - de_nuke
Host - XmX HLDS
Score - Nova - 16 ; [TfC] - 5
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 10
Clan - Nova vs LALAMUI
Date - 30.01.2010
Host - XmX HLTV

Time - 21:00
Map - de_inferno
Score - Nova - 4 ; LALAMUI - 16

Time - 22:00
Map - de_nuke
Score - Nova -5 ; LALAMUI - 16

Time - 23:00
Map - de_dust2
Score - Nova - 3 ; LALAMUI - 16

Overall Status - Defeat

Battle Report 11
Clan - Nova vs xiG
Date - 21.02.2010
Time - 15:00
Map - de_dust2
Host - XmX HLDS
Score - Nova - 16 ; xiG - 10
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 12
Clan - Nova vs Click
Date - 17.02.2010
Time - 15:00
Map - de_dust2
Host - XmX HLDS
Score - Nova - 16 ; Click - 0
Status - Victorius

Battle Report 13
Clan - Nova vs Click
Date - 28.03.2010
Time - 14:00
Map - de_nuke
Host -
Score - Nova - 16 ; Click 2
Status - Victorius

Friday, March 20, 2009

Clan Match Info Board

Teams : Nova vs |=GOF=|
Date : 22.3.2009
Time : 20:30
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs -|ULD|-
Date : 29.3.2009
Time : 14:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs |=GOF=|
Date : 11.4.2009
Time : 16:15
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs [LOTHAR]
Date : 11.4.2009
Time : 22:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs Josh's Mix Team
Date : 10.6.2009
Time : 15:00 (i) 16:15 (ii)
Venue : Rock Cafe
Map : de_inferno (i) de_dust2 (ii)

Teams : Nova vs ReV
Date : 17.11.2009
Time : 22:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs [TfC]
Date : 15.12.2009
Time : 15:30
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs [TfC]
Date : 30.12.2009
Time : 16:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_inferno

Teams : Nova vs [TfC]
Date : 3.01.2010
Time : 16:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_nuke

Teams : Nova vs LALAMUI
Date : 30.01.2010
Time : 21:00
Venue : Non-Steam Server
Map : de_inferno (i) de_nuke (ii) de_dust2 (iii)

Teams : Nova vs xiG
Date : 21.02.2010
Time : 15:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs Click
Date : 17.02.2010
Time : 15:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_dust2

Teams : Nova vs Click
Date : 28.03.2010
Time : 14:00
Venue : Garena
Map : de_nuke

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Clan Wars

Awesome clan wars.

Nova vs |=GOF=| - 22.3.2009
Nova vs |=GOF=| - 11.4.2009
Nova vs -|ULD|- - 29.3.2009
Nova vs [LOTHAR] - 11.4.2009
Nova vs Josh's Mix Team - 10.6.2009
Nova vs ReV - 17.11.2009
Nova vs [TfC] - 15.12.2009
Nova vs [TfC] - 30.12.2009
Nova vs [TfC] - 3.01.2010
Nova vs LALAMUI - 30.01.2010
Nova vs xiG - 21.02.2010
Nova vs Click - 17.03.2010
Nova vs Click - 28.03.2010
All can't wait to beat the crap out of us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

- Nova Legionnaires & Praetorians -

Current Legionnaires at the moment :

Nickname : `~Nova[LG] .:Septimus:. 
Name : Dan
State : Selangor

Nickname : `~Nova[LG] .:Cibo:. 
Name : Pat
State : Selangor

Nickname : `~Nova[LG]
Name : Mun
State : Selangor

Nickname : `~Nova[LG] .:IlluminaTi:. 
Name : William
State : Selangor

Nickname : `~Nova[LG] .:Solo:.
Name : Edward
State : Selangor

Current Praetorians at the moment :

Nickname : `~Nova[LG] .:A|C-47:.
Name : Brayant
State : Selangor

Nickname : `~Nova[LG] .:RinoZ:.
Name : Wai Lun
State : Selangor

Novian History

On the day 15 March 2009, the Nova clan was formed and made its mark. Members were closest to the clan lord Septimus as they have been friends for 3 years. All members were recruited in the same school in order to have unity amongst the clan. The purpose of Nova was to be a Counter-Strike team during any events being held but the temptation of online gaming caused Nova to be a clan and therefore participate in any clan matches.

The strength in Nova is still unpredictable but everyone is aiming to break the odds as other "foreign" members have joined this clan to make Nova a more opposing force to others.

Will be updated.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Welcome to Nova Legion

Hello, warm welcome from all Nova members to readers. I have decided to start blogging as a means of connection to other players. This blog records all our improvements and successes from now and then.

Once again, welcome. :D