Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rules of In-Game Match

Competition Method : 5 vs 5
Rounds : 30 Rounds ( Max rounds format ) 15 rounds as CT and 15 rounds as T per team. The first team that scores 16 wins and the match ends immediately.
Round Time : 1 Minute 45 Seconds
Sides : CT or T will be determined by 1 round of knife match.
Victory Conditions : The first team to score 16 rounds.
Tie-Breaker Victory Condition : 6 additional rounds will be played. 3 rounds as CT and 3 rounds as T. The first to team to score 4 rounds wins. Tie-breaker start money is 16000.
Official Maps : de_dust2, de_inferno, de_train, de_nuke
Host Settings : mp_autokick 0, mp_autoteambalance 0, mp_autocrosshair 0, mp_buytime 0.25, mp_consistency 1, mp_c4timer 35, mp_fadetoblack 0, mp_flashlight 1, mp_footsteps 1, mp_forcecamera 2, mp_forcechasecam 2, mp_freezetime 15, mp_friendlyfire 1, mp_limitteams 10, mp_maxrounds 15, mp_playerid 1, mp_roundtime 1.75, mp_timelimit 0, mp_tkpunish 0, sv_aim 0, sv_airaccelerate 10, sv_alltalk 0, sv_cheats 0, sv_voiceenable 1, sv_stepsize 18.
Contraband Items : The tactical shield is not to be used. If one is accidentally purchased, it is to be dropped in a corner of the CT spawn area and may not be used for the remainder of that round. Use of shield in a regular play will result in a win of that round to the opposing team not possessing that shield.
In-Game Technique : C4 must be planted at a viewable location. Planting the C4 at location where a boost is required is allowed. Silent planting is prohibited. If the bomb is planted in such a way that it is obscured from view from all angles such as planting to have the bomb hidden entirely or in part by a crate, allowing it to clip into a wall or corner of the wall and so forth, CT will win the round automatically even if the bomb explodes. A bug play such as flashbang bug and so forth will cause the opposition team to win the round automatically. Players using any flashlight sound exploited 3 times will also cause the opposition team to win the round automatically.
Reference : Please refer to the Rules of Engagement for a further inquiry.

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